Frequently Asked Questions About CBD

( We’ve got answers )

What do your products do?

They provide therapeutic pain relief for your muscles, nerves, bones, and soul, while delivering nourishment for the skin.

What makes your product awesome?

Our approach to creating a product was to focus on the concept of healing as a whole and in a holistic way. Combining aromatherapy with skin nourishing butters and oils, then fortifying it with full spectrum hemp oil.  Every ingredient was chosen not just for their scent or texture but for their medicinal properties as well. Our products are hand made in small batches using organic ingredients carefully sourced from producers that love what they do as much as we love what we do.

Is this legal?

Yes, federal regulation allows the sale of CBD-rich products as long as it contains less than .3% THC.

How will this make me feel?

Everyone is different, but for most it relieves pain and leaves your skin moisturized and smooth.

Where do I put it?

Start with anywhere that hurts or itches, then move to anywhere that needs moisture or love. Good for achy joints, bug bites, rashes, menstrual pain, sore feet/hands/neck/back.

Does your product contain THC?

Yes, we use full spectrum hemp oil which contains trace amounts of THC. All of our products test below the legal limit of .3% THC content.

Will this get me high?

No, the trace amount of THC in our products is negligible. The main component of the hemp oil, CBD, is non-psychoactive and while the tiny amount THC won’t get your stoned, it is important for delivering the maximum healing benefits.

Will I fail a drug test?

If using the topicals then you should not fail a drug test, applying a topical to the skin only allows it to break the skin/muscular barrier, but not enter into the blood stream (reference here). If using the tincture then yes, the cannabinoids are metabolized and enter the blood stream.

What’s CBD?

A compound produced by the cannabis plant, similar to THC that is responsible for a large majority of the health benefits of cannabis but lacking the attributes that get you high.

Do you use isolate?

Only in our THC-free tincture.

For everything else, we use CBD-rich full spectrum oil, extracted using CO2

What is full spectrum?

Full spectrum contains the complete profile of healing compounds that are available in the plant. No individual compound is more important than the others, rather it is the diversity of them itself and the ways that they work together to create the benefits. Learn more in ourblog article on full spectrum vs broad spectrum.

Where do you get your hemp oil from?

It comes from hemp grown with organic and sustainable practices in Oregon. It’s then gently extracted with CO2 to preserve the integrity and hard work that the farmers put into it, as well as the bioavailability of the therapeutic compounds themselves.

What’s the difference between hemp and weed?

The term “hemp” itself is used to classify cannabis that is under the legal threshold of THC.  Both are variants of the species within the genus cannabis, which include sativa, indica, and ruderalis.  Any of these may be determined “hemp”, so long as they possess less than .3% THC and are grown in accordance with Federal and State laws, per the 2018 Farm Bill.