Waking up is hard. Our minds and bodies are at their lowest ebb, so it’s no surprise that most of us wake up grumpy—or at least not ready to face the day. But what if you could wake up feeling calm, centered, and ready to take on whatever comes your way?
Early Bird Meditation
If you’re new to meditation, you may have heard that it’s an amazing way to reduce stress. But you may not know that mediation is best practiced in the morning!
But what’s so noteworthy about morning meditation? The answer is simple: practicing meditation in the morning brings calm and focus to your entire day.
Starting your day with a positive outlook sets you up for success throughout the day—and who doesn’t need a little more pep in their step?
If Your Mornings Are Chaotic, Meditation Can Help
If your mornings look like a three-ring circus, then you’ve got a lot in common with our team at Serenity.
Like a clown juggling too many balls, it’s hard to imagine adding another element to your morning—even if it could benefit your sanity.
Especially when so many things are vying for your attention! 🤹
But we’ve learned how important it is to claim a moment of peace for yourself before the world wakes up.
Practicing meditation is a gift that benefits everyone you encounter. 💝
Intentionally shift your focus away from your ongoing “to-do list” for a few moments. That’ll allow space for you to reflect on the most important things in life: goals, relationships, values, etc.
Of course, beginning with meditation doesn’t guarantee a perfect day. But it does give you a slight advantage. A clear mind gives your brain and body the ability to handle (almost) anything the day throws at you.
Meditation Sharpens Your Brain
Meditation is mental floss—awaking your brain and clearing out the unneeded baggage. It’s just what you need to get ready to conquer your to-do list. It’s much easier to perform well when your mind isn’t distracted, so clear those cobwebs early!
That’s why it’s so important to be mindful of how you start each day. Your day begins before your feet hit the floor. In fact, studies show that a regular morning meditation routine can improve energy levels by up to 15%.
Not to get too crazy, but after a few weeks of consistent morning meditation, you may not be reaching for that second (or first) cup of “liquid energy” anymore.
You Don’t Need to Set Aside All Day to Meditate
It’s often difficult to carve out enough time in the morning for an extended meditation session. We understand. That’s why we recommend starting with a short morning meditation routine.
Deep breathing is a form of meditation. In fact, you may already meditate without knowing it. Do you ever pause and take a few deep breaths when you experience stress? That’s a form of mindful meditation!
A few minutes spent in daily meditation will lower your cortisol levels (the hormone that helps regulate stress). With time, you’ll find that meditation can help you feel increasingly calm, awake, focused, and energized for the rest of your day.
While 20-90 minutes of meditation is ideal, even 5 minutes can make a significant impact.
First Things First: Set an Intention
An intention, or mantra, is a short phrase that you repeat to yourself during your meditation. It can be anything from “I am peaceful” to “I am strong.”
When you choose an intention for your practice, it’s essential that it feels right for you. If you’re unsure of what will resonate, take some time to outline your goals for meditation.
Here are a few general intentions you can try on for size. Feel free to adjust them or create your own that speaks directly to where you are in your journey!
- 🧘🏽 I am kind today.
- 🧘🏽 I will be grateful today for everything I have been given so far.
- 🧘🏽 I can experience joy in life because I can let go of my worries and fears.
Find a comfortable sitting position once you’ve decided what your focus mantra or intention will be. If you need more support, don’t be afraid to sit on a chair or use a cushion on the floor. If you’re new, it may take you a few tries to figure out what’s most comfortable for you.
If you want to see if you can tolerate the lotus position (meaning both feet are pressed together and resting on top of each other), give that a shot!

Focus Your Attention—But Be Patient With Yourself
When you’re starting out, it can be helpful to have a focal point for your attention. It may be an object in the room or something in nature—a candle flame, a plant, a stone. This will ground you and keep your mind from wandering. 💭
Here’s an example of using your breath as a focal point during your morning meditation:
“I like using my breath as my focal point when I meditate. It’s always there, no matter what’s happening around me (or inside me). I know that my breath is always with me and available to connect whenever I need it. 🫁”
Remember that it’s entirely normal for thoughts to wander during meditation. You may find yourself daydreaming about your next meal or rehashing past conversations. Try to notice your wondering thoughts and bring your focus back to your intentions.
Morning Meditation For a More Peaceful Night and Bedtime Routines
Studies found that people who practiced mindfulness meditation could fall asleep faster than those who didn’t meditate—and they had fewer restless nights overall.
Meditation can help you transition out of sleep more easily. There’s less of an adjustment period before getting up and going about your day.
Daily Meditation Will Become Second Nature With Time
The importance of a daily routine cannot be overstated. The key here is that a good routine makes life easier.
Developing a meditation practice will require some self-discipline. With practice, it will become second nature.
Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Meditation Routine!
Remember that art teacher in elementary school with the mantra, “Keep your eyes on your own work”? Well, that goes for meditation, too!
Everyone approaches mediation differently. Let go of any preexisting expectations of how long it should take, how you should feel, or what it should be like. A short or distracted meditation session is not a failed attempt!
Your brain will benefit from the practice of meditation. You’re not a failure if your session is short or full of distractions.
Don’t expect to be perfect right away—it takes time to learn how to meditate. Rather than struggling to empty your head of thoughts, allow your mind to go where it wants to.
Observe your thoughts without judgment, but try to let them pass without latching onto them. This form of mindful meditation is one of the easiest types of mediation to master.

A Guided Meditation for You
Learning how to meditate is worth your time—even if you’re skeptical about its potential benefits. Meditation is known to reduce insomnia, lower blood pressure and even lengthen your life when practiced regularly over time.
Looking for a meditation online to get you started? Stay Here Meditation is a short, guided meditation that’ll help you find a bit of calm when you’re feeling frazzled and overwhelmed.
Whatever life throws at you, you’ll be better equipped if you’ve started your day off with a bit of time to breathe. A regular morning meditation routine sets the tone for your day. You’ll notice it’s easier to stay with your breath and relax your mind and body.
Remember, Serenity loves you. All of you. Regardless.
Learning how to meditate is worth your time—even if you’re skeptical about its potential benefits. Meditation is known to reduce insomnia, lower blood pressure and even lengthen your life when practiced regularly over time.
Looking for a meditation online to get you started? Stay Here Meditation is a short, guided meditation that’ll help you find a bit of calm when you’re feeling frazzled and overwhelmed.
Whatever life throws at you, you’ll be better equipped if you’ve started your day off with a bit of time to breathe. A regular morning meditation routine sets the tone for your day. You’ll notice it’s easier to stay with your breath and relax your mind and body.
Remember, Serenity loves you. All of you. Regardless.