Who Needs Sleep? Bedtime Routines with CBD Make Dreams Sweeter

Are you tired of tossing and turning, struggling to fall asleep every night? Well, you're in for a treat! In this blog, we'll explore the wonders of establishing a bedtime routine and how it can improve your sleep quality. So, grab your favorite cozy blanket and get ready to embark on a journey to dreamland!...
Image of a bed in a luxurious room overlooking a mountain and a lake representing vivid dreams that occur during rapid eye movement sleep. Taking CBD for sleep may support healthy sleep cycles for restorative sleep.

Are you tired of tossing and turning, struggling to fall asleep every night? Well, you’re in for a treat!

In this blog, we’ll explore the wonders of establishing a bedtime routine and how it can improve your sleep quality.

So, grab your favorite cozy blanket and get ready to embark on a journey to dreamland!

Understanding the Science Behind Sleep

Ahh, sleep, that magical realm where unicorns prance and worries fade away. Except there’s a problem. For many of us, that magical realm of dreamland is hard to find. According to the Cleveland Clinic, 1 in 3 adults worldwide suffer from insomnia.[1]

What happens when we sleep? And why is it so difficult to fall asleep quickly and consistently?

Consider this your scientific crash course about sleep and the science behind it.

You see, our sleep consists of several cycles, each crucial for different body restorative processes.

It’s like a symphony, except instead of instruments, you’ve got brain waves dancing to a rhythmic tune while you slumber. Or at least that’s what’s supposed to happen.

The way to dreamland is easier when you understand the science behind sleep and the importance of keeping a consistent sleep schedule.

Think of it like a map. Sleep happens in different stages, and each stage plays a crucial role in our overall well-being.

In order to achieve restful sleep, your body needs to go through these stages 4-7 times each night.


The Stages of a Restful Night’s Sleep

Let’s dive in so you’re equipped with the secret tools to improve your sleep tonight.

Speaking of snoozing — our bodies go through some fascinating phases starting with non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

NREM sleep is a vital stage of sleep that makes up approximately 75% of our total sleep time.

This is when your brain activity slows, your muscles relax, and your body prepares for healing and restoration. That’s a lot to accomplish in one night!

Scientists have further divided NREM sleep into three stages that progress from light to deep sleep.


NREM Phase 1

When you first hit the sack and begin drifting off to sleep, you can still be easily awakened. But you may experience slow eye movements and muscle twitches as your body begins to relax, similar to when you’re in a deep state of relaxation.

NREM Phase 2

As you settle into your second stage of NREM sleep, you’re less aware of your surroundings, and your muscles become more relaxed.

This allows your heart rate to slow, and your body temperature drops slightly.

NREM Phase 3

Finally, you reach the deepest stage of sleep, also known as slow-wave sleep. During this stage, your brain waves slow down dramatically, your heart rate and breathing become regular, and your blood pressure drops. Your brain is less responsive to external stimuli at this point — making you less likely to be bothered by noises.

REM Phase

For the last 25% of your sleep, rapid eye movement sleep (REM) occurs. It’s characterized by rapid eye movements (hence the name).

During REM, your brain waves are more active, and your breathing and heart rate increase.

If you’re wondering when dreams happen, it’s typically during REM sleep. Vivid dreams are a hallmark of REM sleep.


It’s essential to get enough of both NREM and REM sleep cycles each night — they’re both necessary for our bodies and minds to function optimally.

Anything that disrupts these stages of sleep — stress, caffeine, or other sleep disturbances — will negatively impact your overall health and well-being over time.

While you can’t control everything in your life, here’s a few common factors that you can control so you get the kind of rest your body needs.


Anxiety and Stress Reduction for Better Sleep

Woman laying in bed on her back, with her hand resting on her head in her hands. The clock beside her reads 2:47 am. She's wondering, "How much CBD do I need to take for sleep?"

Picture this: you’re lying in bed, mind racing like a caffeinated squirrel, unable to find tranquility. You can’t get comfortable, every sound is magnified, and you know sleep isn’t an easy surrender.

Sound familiar? Well, you’re not alone.

Anxiety and stress wreak havoc on sleep patterns. That’s why it’s essential to address these pesky habits and hang-ups.


The Successful Effective Bedtime Routine

Think of your bedroom as a cozy sanctuary, an oasis of tranquility that can support all of your senses.

Start by dimming the lights. Who needs the sun blasting in when you’re trying to catch some Z’s?

Next up, it’s time to engage in some activities that promote unwinding.

Whether reading a book, listening to calming music, or practicing relaxation techniques — find what works for you and make it a part of your nightly routine.

Without a healthy body and mind, you can’t function at peak performance levels.

Keep in mind that the regulation of CBD in the United States is limited. Much more research must be done to determine the exact effects CBD has on sleep and other physical and mental health concerns.

Remember, these are helpful suggestions, not a set of rules. So don’t be afraid to experiment and customize your routine to fit your lifestyle.

Kick Unhealthy Sleep Habits to the Curb — Before Your Mind and Body Pay the Price

While establishing a bedtime routine is incredibly effective, there are a few extra sleep practices that can improve your chances of getting a truly restful sleep.

Imagine snoozing off effortlessly, enjoying a deep and restorative sleep throughout the night. Sounds heavenly, right? It does take a little extra work to ensure that sleep is a priority, but your body will thank you.

First, keeping up with a regular exercise routine and a balanced diet is critical. A healthy body is a sleepier body. Also, consider breaking up with (or reducing) caffeine and alcohol, as they can disrupt the delicate dance of sleep.

Finally, when your budget allows, splurge on a supportive mattress, cozy pillows, and breathable sheets to level up your sleep game.


Common Trouble Spots to Watch For

Before you embark on your journey to the land of sleep, let’s address some common sleep faux pas that can sabotage your efforts.

Avoid engaging in stimulating activities right before bed, like scrolling through social media, deleting emails, or binge-watching your favorite thriller series.

Ever checked your work email at 3am?

These semi-productive, blue-light-emitting activities may feel like you’re getting a jump start on tomorrow. But these activities can rev up your brain and make it harder for you to wind down.

That pesky blue light emitted by screens interferes with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and messes with the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

Limit screen time before bed and give your eyes and mind a break. Let’s save the memes and cat videos for another time, shall we?

(Psst…if you’re up past bedtime reading this blog, stop! Anything you need to know tonight will remain online in the morning. Sweet dreams.)

And the cat videos like this one? They’re just as funny in the daytime hours — so turn out that light and charge your phone! 💡😉


Ideas for Bedtime Routine Activities

While carving out relaxation time for a bedtime routine may sound like just another set of rules to follow, routine is what tells your body that you’re safe.

A calm and peaceful mind is a less anxious (well-rested) mind.

Grab your cup of herbal tea, slip into your comfiest pajamas, and get ready to drift away. Turn on a lamp and replace nighttime scrolling with a new habit.

Are you a reader? Cultivate your love of knowledge by grabbing a book or magazine before bed. Let the words on the page transport you to a world of imagination, gently lulling you into dreamland.

A woman wearing glasses in bed falls asleep on her bed after reading the book that's pictured laying open beside her.

If reading isn’t your cup of tea, try listening to calming music or podcasts. Let the soothing melodies or interesting stories wash over you, melting away the day’s stresses.

And don’t forget about the power of relaxation techniques!

Deep breathing exercises, guided meditation, or a warm bath all work wonders to prepare your mind and body for a night of sleep. Need a good place to start? Try this article.


Improve Sleep By Regulating Your ECS

Let’s talk about CBD — short for cannabidiol. CBD’s a natural compound derived from the hemp plant. You’ve likely seen it in the news for its connection with decreased anxiety, which in turn promotes better sleep.

Scientific research suggests that our body’s endocannabinoid system works with our other systems, particularly the nervous system, to help bring balance to our body. In doing so, we can effectively regulate our nervous system and in turn find the peace and calm necessary for a great night’s sleep. How do we get our endocannabinoid system to get fired up?  By intaking cannabinoids like CBD of course!

Image of a cannabis leaf backlit by the setting sun. The chemical formula for cannabidiol is pictured in white font.

The result? Calmness and relaxation for both body and mind, which may bring you closer to dreamland. So, if you want to enhance your bedtime routine, CBD might be the secret ingredient you’ve been missing.


For Sweeter Dreams, Pass the CBD Bedtime Tincture or Gummies

When you understand the science behind sleep, it’s a little easier to understand how reducing anxiety and stress, and embracing the power of healing hemp could transform your nights into a dreamy oasis of rejuvenation.

Experiment and find what tools and techniques work best for you. Light candles, wear your coziest socks, and settle into your personalized routine.

With a little commitment and a sprinkle of self-care, you’ll be drifting to dreamland quickly. Pick up our Bedtime CBD tincture if you need additional sleep support.

Serenity’s Bedtime Tincture is packed with nourishing, full-spectrum CBD oil, dreamy valerian root, and kava kava — a strong 1-2-3 punch to defeat insomnia and give your brain the rest it needs.

Of course, the valerian extract, AND the alcohol base, carry with them a distinct and potentially off-putting flavor for some.  For those people with more particular palettes, there’s good news….WE HAVE BEDTIME GUMMIES now!

These gummies are packed with calmness creating herbs like passionflower, chamomile and kava, plus added tranquility from Reishi mushrooms.  Add in some CBD, CBN, CBG & CBC….and off to lala land you go! 😴

By establishing a bedtime routine and incorporating relaxation techniques, you’re one step closer to a restful night’s sleep. It’s all about creating a sanctuary for your soul to unwind.

Image of a mature woman excited to wake up feeling refreshed after using a cbd sleep tincture.

Wishing you nights filled with tranquility, sweet dreams, and the kind of sleep that leaves you wondering if there’s a secret sandman working overtime.

Sleep well. Remember,  Serenity loves you. All of you. Regardless.

*Disclaimer — Before using any CBD product, consult your doctor. Let your doctor know of any medications, herbs, or supplements you are taking, so they can assess if CBD might cause a negative interaction. Your doctor will be able to inform you if CBD is a viable option to meet your health goals. 🫶


[1] https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/12119-insomnia#:~:text=Roughly%2C%201%20in%203%20adults,the%20criteria%20for%20insomnia%20disorder